Our Story

How Everything Started

Hey there! Let me tell you how it all started with Keepsake. Picture this: I’m in a long-distance relationship, trying to find unique ways to show my boyfriend that I care. One day, he gives me this physical gift, and while I appreciate the gesture, I’m stumped. What do I do with it? I can’t carry it everywhere, right? That’s when a lightbulb moment hits me—I can create a digital version of a scrapbook!

Now, I’m no website wizard, but I know my way around web design. So, I create a basic website, and guess what? It’s cool, but it’s missing that oomph. So, with the help of some friends’ feedback, I revamp it into what we now call The Anniversary. This creation captures the essence of a scrapbook and packs it into a digital experience that’s sentimental and practical.

From Personal to Practical

But here’s the kicker: I couldn’t wait until our anniversary to show it to my boyfriend. The reaction was priceless! That’s when it hits me—maybe there are others out there looking for a special gift like this. So, I get his permission to promote it, and boom! TikTok becomes my stage, under the name “Keepsake.” We wanted a name that says it all—a personalized website for your loved ones.

Where Love and Creativity Meet

As time went by, I started creating more interactive, fun, and engaging templates that corresponded to the moments we shared. And now, Keepsake has evolved into a platform where people can create a gift that is both meaningful and practical.

Websites Created

Unique Features

Website Templates

Countries Reached